

Code of Conduct for Auxiliary Athletes

  1. Sign-in for class and don’t be late
  2. Check your ego at the door. We’re here to learn, develop and grow.
  3. Respect and listen to your coaches.
  4. Cheer on and respect your fellow athletes
  5. Don’t cheat your reps.
  6. Respect the equipment as if it was your own.
  7. Clean your equipment and put it back in its proper home.
  8. Personal Hygiene is mandatory – No cologne/perfume. Yes deodorant.
  9. Respect the gym rules.

General & Open Gym

  • Class always takes priority over open gym (when open gym runs at the same time). This includes equipment and floor space. Open-gym athletes are to yield to athletes enrolled in the classes.
  • If you have NOT reserved a class spot or an open -gym time slot, you are not permitted to take up any floor space or rig space at any time. Please wait off to the side for your class to begin. Please be mindful of your surroundings and other athletes when you are moving around the space.
  • If you come in early for your scheduled class/open gym time, please wait off to the side and do not interfere with your fellow athletes who are actively working out.
  • Please keep your voices low. Coaches need to be able to communicate the workout and instruction to their athletes.
  • You are required to sign yourself in at the front desk every time you attend the gym. To sign-in, you may use the following options: 

    • Front Kiosk at reception
    • Wodify App on Android or IOS devices.
    • If you do not sign-in, you may be marked late or no-show. Please ask a coach to show you how to sign-in if you're having any trouble.

Membership Holds

  • You are permitted 3 holds per calendar year. Holds must be 7 days minimum or 30 days maximum.
  • If you require longer hold periods, you can cancel your membership and rejoin at another time.
  • Additional holds $15 administrative fee.
  • Retroactive holds are not permitted.

Late-Cancellation & No-Show Fees

Cancel/change your desired class/open gym time at least 1 hour before the scheduled class/open gym time. For all 6AM &7AM classes, please cancel or change your reservation before 10PM the night before.

  • Late cancellation fee $15 + HST
  • No-Show fee $25 + HST

Pet Policy

All members who intend to bring their pet to our gym must acknowledge that they have read this Pet Policy and must agree to all terms outlined below. 

1) Pets are only permitted in the gym under the following conditions:

  • Your pet does not have a history of aggression. If your pet has any history of aggression, at no time is your pet permitted on or in Auxiliary CrossFit property. 

  • Your pet is able to stay quiet. Persistent barking and whining can interfere with an athlete’s ability to focus and enjoy their workout. If your pet persistently barks or whines, you will be asked to stop your workout and attend to your pet. 

  • Your pet must be up-to-date with their vaccinations, including rabies. 

  • Your pet is able to remain calm. 

2) You must keep your pet securely tied up in an area that is free of falling equipment or space that would otherwise be used for its intended purpose.

3) You must clean up after your pet, including vacuuming their shedding hair, immediately cleaning up any accidents and disposing of the waste properly and securely. Failure to adhere to these policies will lead to the animal not being allowed to return to Auxiliary CrossFit property.


As you now know, Canada has legalized the recreational use of cannabis products (also known as marijuana). We at Auxiliary CrossFit are by no means taking a political position on this matter. Our policy on the use of cannabis/marijuana is as follows:

  1. At no time should any athlete be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs while participating in a class/open gym that could compromise their own safety or the safety of others around them.
  2. Vaping or smoking is strictly prohibited inside Auxiliary CrossFit property.
  3. Vaping or smoking 10 metres from any doorway or window of Auxiliary CrossFit is strictly prohibited. Auxiliary CrossFit reserves the right to suspend or terminate a membership in its discretion in order to maintain a safe environment for everyone.