Pride Athlete Feature - Andie LeDonne


Pride Athlete Series. Meet Andie! True story: Andie had a nagging shoulder injury where she ended up re-dislocated her shoulder. After seeking medical advice, she was back in the gym (arm in a sling) a few days later modifying her workouts, doing accessory work, and wasting no time to recover.

In her own words: “To me, identifying with the LGBTQI community means being apart of a community that's full of love, resilience, acceptance, and support. We all know that our sexuality doesn't make us any less or different from the next person, and identifying with the LGBTQI community gives me the opportunity to prove that to anyone who believes otherwise.”.

“I'm very fortunate to have been surrounded by a support system of family and friends that have provided me with a safe space no matter what point in my life I've been at.”

“My biggest challenge has been and remains to overcome the fact that people often make judgments and react based on stereotypes. It's been tough at times to find the confidence that makes none of that matter, knowing that I'm living true to myself and am happy and proud of it.”


“I'm very fortunate to have been surrounded by a support system of family and friends that have provided me with a safe space no matter what point in my life I've been at.” - Andie LeDonne

“Fitness and sport have forever been a large part of my life. CrossFit, in particular, has had an enormous impact on both my physical and more importantly mental health- it's so much more to me than just a fitness routine which I'm very grateful for.”

“To me, pride is showing others that it's ok to be yourself. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing who you are as an individual. The Aux community is one like I've never been apart of before- both coaches and members show endless love, support, and encouragement to anyone who steps through their door.”